What these morons don’t see is that the reason the so called “Mac Cultists” react the way they do is because of the years of systematic FUD that Mac users have had to put up with and spend time and effort trying to dispel. Microsoft doesn’t have to spread FUD themselves anymore. They have an entire squadron of shills in the form of analysts and columnist blowhards that will spread their FUD for them. And every piece of FUD is then regurgitated as gospel by the tech media and amplified ten times over. It then becomes the story of the big lie repeated often enough. Mac users then only have two choices. They can ignore the troll and thus let the lie get bigger, or they can respond trying to correct the lie and be branded as zealots. As in every case there will be a few that will respond to idiocy with stupidity, and these emails will be then displayed to the world as the sample of the hate mail that the Mac Zealots unleash on the poor little blogger/journalist that dared to say something negative about Apple.
The fact of the matter is that PC users / Windows apologists can only dream of inspiring such loyalty among their customers. It astounds me that when Windows users choose malware infested, bug ridden PCs, they are supposedly rational people that are using the best tool for the job, but when someone chooses a Mac (or Linux for that matter) they are automatically branded Kool-Aid drinking ravenous zealots. I believe in the end these trolls will get what’s coming to them. In the journalism and now blogging business, the only currency one has of any value is credibility. Once you lose that, you can never get it back.