Tag Archives: Microsoft

iPhone FUD

So here we go.Now the MS Exchange team has weighed in with their own iFUD piece disguised as an article on IMAP and it’s so called lack of security features. This one is almost “Enderlesque”. Someone needs to educate these … Continue reading

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Ubuntu won’t join the FUD wagon

The blogosphere was abuzz recently with rumors about the next Microsoft Patent FUD collaborator/victim. All eyes were on Ubuntu which has gained immense popularity in the past year as a Linux Distro. Mark Shuttleworth CEO of Canonical slammed the door … Continue reading

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LG joins the FUD brigade

Microsoft has now signed up LG for a “Patent Swap” agreement and of course they just HAD to mention that it included use of “patented Microsoft technology” in its products, including Linux-based devices. As in the Novell deal Microsoft ends … Continue reading

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Divide and Conquer

And another one has caved. Microsoft has signed a Novell like deal with Xandros. Part of the deal – the usual FUD line of “Patent Protection”. Another opportunity for Ballmer et. al. to go screaming out to the world saying … Continue reading

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The FUD is back

OK, who didn’t see this coming? Microsoft General Counsel Brad Smith and licensing chief Horacio Gutierrez sat down with Fortune recently to map out their strategy for getting FOSS users to pay royalties. Revealing the precise figure for the first … Continue reading

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Only WE can have a Monopoly

Keeping with the Hypocrisy theme from the last post…. Microsoft is up in arms about Google’s $3.1 billion acquisition of Double Click. Keep in mind that Microsoft was also vying to buy them. So now they are whining to the … Continue reading

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Holier than thou

A month ago when the Apple Wifi flack again rose to the surface Stephen Tolouse in his usual “Holier than Thou” stance made yet another comment and I quote: This is NOT the way a vendor should handle a vuln … Continue reading

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Animated Cursors Zero Day Vulnerability

CNet News A new security vulnerability puts Windows users at risk of serious cyberattacks, Microsoft warned late Wednesday. The vulnerability affects all recent Windows versions, including Vista, which Microsoft has promoted heavily for its security. The operating system software is … Continue reading

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Show us the Code

Well, it’s about time! Show Us the Code. Don’t hold your breath though. The Microsoft sponsored SCO FUD lawsuit never got to showing people the code. Fat chance that they will respond. After all, as long as the FUD threat … Continue reading

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The Lies Continue

In my previous post I called Bill Gates a Liar. Well apparently he’s going out the way to prove me right. In a recent interview with Newsweek Gates makes the following astounding comment: Nowadays, security guys break the Mac every … Continue reading

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